Taxonomic list T3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

zone of tongue

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Top level cardinal part of organ Short Extended
Level 2 zone of organ Short Extended
Current level zone of tongue
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
54643 22548
zone of tongue
zona linguae
54644 2404 part
body of tongue
corpus linguae
54663 22549
zone of body of tongue
zona corporis linguae
54648 2409 part
inferior surface of tongue ; ventral surface of tongue
facies inferior linguae ; facies ventralis linguae
54666 22550
zone of inferior surface of tongue
zona faciei inferioris linguae
54659 2414 part
frenulum of tongue ; lingual frenulum
frenulum linguae
54656 2410 part
fimbriated fold of tongue
plica fimbriata linguae
54660 2306 part
sublingual fold
plica sublingualis
54645 22716
zone of tongue
zona linguae
281506 2407 part
anterior part of dorsum of tongue ; presulcal part of dorsum of tongue
pars anterior dorsi linguae ; pars presulcalis dorsi linguae
54649 2412 part
apex of tongue ; tip of tongue
apex linguae
54645 2405 part
root of tongue
radix linguae
281540 22717
zone of root of tongue
zona radicis linguae
281575 2408 part
posterior part of dorsum of tongue ; postsulcal part of dorsum of tongue
pars posterior dorsi linguae ; pars postsulcalis dorsi linguae
54651 2406 part
dorsum of tongue
dorsum linguae
15 items
Scientific notes
Type of list T3
List Unit Identifier 22548
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 14
Number of children 14 (validated)
Proper units 15
Number of units 15 (validated)
Signature 1347 (validated since 6.7.2024)
Date: 18.08.2024